The team was lead by Coach Marcoantonio Melendez. The team was excited about placing in the tournament. Players said Coach Marco trained them three times a week and helped them get better and play as a team.
In the final game which came down to penalities Forward Barry Alseny hit the penalty that put FC Harlem up then FC Harlem goalie Sal Melendez stepped up calmly and blocked the opponent’s shot giving the LIONS a well deserved and hard fought 3rd place finish.
Check out some photos from the season at the bottom.
Congrats on a great season!!
Goalie Saul Melendez
#3 Joaquin Vidal
#4 Jack Bravo
#7 Barry Alsney
#8 Karla Garcia
#12 Luis Vazquez
#15 Richard Flores
#16 Thilo Widder
Coach Marco Melendez